Tag Archives: brad pitt

Movie Review: World War Z



I’ll admit this movie wasn’t what I expected. Which is a good thing because I expected it to be lame. But it wasn’t. It was actually quite awesome.

Right from the beginning the movie was intense. Every five minutes something was happening. It was like boom,boom, boom! “What’s going to happen next?” “I don’t let’s find out.” I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Every now and then there was a twist. I was like “What just happened? Seriously?” There were a couple of confusing points, but they were later cleared up. At least for me. There was never a dull moment.

Being a huge zombie fan (isn’t everyone right now?), I’m not sure I liked the zombies in the movie. A couple of times the zombies were almost comical; the sounds they made, they way they moved. They also moved way too fast and were stronger than the slow, weak zombies I know and love (what?). I guess that’s what makes them different and that’s what also made the movie so intense and action packed.

Another plus to the movie was that it starred Brad Pitt. Hello! Who doesn’t love him? His acting was amazing as ever. He’s great in every movie he’s in, but not every movie he is in is great. Peter Capaldi also had a small part in this movie. I didn’t know he was in this movie until the opening credits. He plays a W.H.O. doctor who’s lab is in Cardiff. What’s going on here people? The Doctor is in a zombie movie? Coincidence? Maybe….There’s also a small cameo by Matthew Fox. You wouldn’t even realize it’s him unless you’re really good at recognizing faces. Especially since his is mostly covered. I’m not even sure how I new it was him. I just the nose and his facial hair and was like “That’s Matthew Fox”, like we were best friends and I’d know him anywhere. It was weird. I guess I have a gift.

Though it was a zombie movie and there was killing involved, it wasn’t super gory. If you can watch the Walking Dead, you can definitely watch this.  It is rated PG-13 so I wouldn’t suggest letting chitlins under the age of 13 watch this movie.

Overall, this movie was pretty epic and I would definitely recommend seeing it. Since it is already out on dvd, just scoot on over to the Redbox and rent a copy. If you end up not liking it, you only spent $1.29 instead of about $10.

P.s. The price of Redbox went up from $1 to $1.29?! I know it happened awhile ago, but that doesn’t make it any less ridonculous. I guess it’s still better than spending half a mil at the movie theaters.