Tag Archives: the walking dead

Review Blog


Back in March I wrote a post about not being  able to find my blogging niche. Well, I think I’ve found it! Huzzah!  My niche is, wait for it, Reviewing! Yeah you probably guessed it from the title. That’s right, I’m turning this blog into a review blog. It will mostly be TV shows and books (because that’s my life right now), then I hope to eventually branch out. Maybe products, restaurants, or places. Those will come late once I start making money with my new job. I’m too poor right now haha. It’s not funny. *cries in corner*

What’s my new job you might ask? Well I will be sitting an elderly man while he sleeps. So basically nothing. Plenty of time to work on my new blog and make it excellent. I’ve put together a season premiere schedule of the shows I will be reviewing:

Once Upon a Time: Sept. 28 @ 8pm (ABC)

Supernatural: Oct. 7th @ 7pm (The CW)

Arrow: Oct. 8 @8pm (The CW)

American Horror Story: Oct. 8 @10pm (FX)

The Walking Dead: Oct. 12th @ 9pm (AMC)


I haven’t yet put together a reading list, but that will be coming soon. I will keep you posted. Yes that was a pun.

Won’t You Be My Neighbor? [Walking Dead Spoilers]



So I realized I never reviewed last week’s Walking Dead. Well, here it is. Once I watch last night’s, I review it too. I’m in the blogging mood today.

Last week’s episode (and looks like this week too) was all about the Governor. We got to see a softer side to the Governor. We usually know him as a man who gunned down his own people, kept tanks full of zombie heads (as well as his live zombie daughter), turned his assistant into a zombie to kill Andrea, and captured Glen and Maggie.

In this episode, we got to see a totally different side to the Governor. He was a pirate who played chess with a little girl, carried an old man to his bed because he couldn’t walk, risked getting killed by a horde of zombies to get an air tank for the same old man, and killed a few zombies with his bare hands to prevent them from getting to this little girl he had just met. I think that the Governor favored the little girl so much because she probably reminded him so much of his daughter. I think that this softer side was maybe his true side. The way he was before the zombie apocalypse. The apocalypse has changed him into a murderer like some many other people. I mean look a Carol. Meek, fragile Carol turned to a hard, tough killer. I don’t excuse the Governor from his past evil doings, but I can see how losing everyone he loved turned him into a monster. Now finding this new “family” has started to soften him.

Let’s see how he manages this week when he runs into his old “pals”.

That’ll Do Pig, That’ll Do. [Walking Dead Spoilers]



Yet again, another dramatic episode of the Walking Dead. Last week we found out that Carol had taken matters into her own hands and killed Scott McCall’s mom and that doctor guy. This week we find out why; she’s dead inside. This episode showed just how cold she has become. First she didn’t claim that she had a child, that Sophie was just from another life. When they found Ana, she showed no emotion, just said that they needed to get back before dark. At the same time, can blame her for being so unemotional now? She’s been through a lot and lost everything. If she doesn’t put in any emotion, doesn’t get close to anyone, she can’t lose anything else. You of have to be like the new Carol during a zombie apocalypse. It’s survival of the fittest not the most emotional.

At the the beginning of the episode I thought that Rick had planned to kill Carol. I was a bit relieved that he only decided to tell her to leave. Though it was a sad moment, I think that not only was Rick trying to protect his family, he was trying to protect her.  I think Carol brought up a good point when she asked how what she did was any different than when he killed Shane. How is it different though? Rick killed Shane because Shane was becoming a threat. Carol killed those two because she felt they were a threat and they were. That flu was spreading pretty quickly. They kind of died in vain though because the flu spread to some of the others anyway. I don’t think Tyreese would have cared about Carol’s reason for killing them. If Carol would have gone back to the prison, he would have found out and killed her. As Rick is driving away afterwards you can tell on his face the is conflicted and sad. But it had to be done for everyone’s safety.

I wonder if Carol is off the show now or if they will still follow her and she will get into her own shenanigans? I hope she stays on the show, she’s been there from the beginning. Plus, she and Daryl were finally getting cozier. Though, he looked like he was doing aight with Michonne…

Speaking of Daryl and Michonne, what was up with Al the Alcoholic? He was risking his life and the lives of others for alcohol? And then Daryl got all B.A. and in his face. That’s why booze are bad kids. Stay away from it or the zombies will get you! (unless Daryl kills you first).

In conclusion, this week’s episode was pretty good. Mostly because Carl wasn’t on there. I don’t know what it is that makes me hate this kid so much. I just do. Maybe it’s because no show is complete without that one character that everyone loves to hate? Well Carl is that character for me.


Love in the Time of…Zombies. [Walking Dead Spoilers]


I know I just wrote a WD post, but guess what, there was another episode on this past Sunday. Let’s discuss it along with discussion from the Talking Dead (in case you missed it).

Talking Dead Guests this week:

One of the Writers-I don’t remember his name. He seemed cool though.

Comedian-Doug Benson. Always hilarious.

Paramore Lead Singer-Hayley Williams.[ B T Dubs if you watched the TD what was up with her hair? I loved the color because I’m all about bright, crazy colors, but the cut? I would not have let that walk out of my salon…Okay moving on.]

This week’s episode started out with a mysterious figure feeding the walkers a rat. OoOoO. Who could it be?? I had no ideas until I watched TD. Their theories were the older sister (the one that named the zombies) and the Governor. I think that either of those could be correct. I mean the little girl was unreasonably obsessed with the walkers, especially this “Nick” character. I mean right after her dad died all she could talk about was “Nick”. [I put his name in quotations because he’s a zombie and not a person. Though he was once a person, he no longer is now]. It could also be the Governor back to stir things up for the folks at Camp Prison. He might also be the one burning bodies. I feel like that’s something he would do, especially with that eye patch. I mean he killed his own people. He cray.

Can we talk about Carl now? When are they going to kill him off already? They did good when they took Lori off, not it’s Carl’s turn. Whoever is feeding rats to the zombies should do us all a favor and feed Carl to them. That sounds horrible doesn’t it? I mean I wouldn’t actually feed a child to a zombie, you know if they were real. Unless of course said child was Carl. Then I can’t make any promises. I just want to punch him. Like when Carol told him not to tell his dad about her fight club. What does he do? Tell his dad. Doesn’t he know that snitches get stitches? Also, obviously Rick is going crazy again because he gave Carl his gun back. What?! He does not deserve that. He’s just going to kill again. Once you get a taste for hunting human, there’s no going back. [or so they say. I wouldn’t know…and I’m not sure who “they” is in this reference, but someone said it.]

Speaking of Rick. That whole pig slaughter/bait scene was really hard to watch. Why did it have to be the pig? Why?! He could have used Carl…I mean what?…

He had to do what he had to do though. The walkers were breaking down the fence and he needed to think fast. It looked like he felt sorrow afterwards. That helped a little. Moving on…

So apparently the thing that killed the Harry Potter look a like was some sort of zombie flu that spreads super fast. Scary. Why didn’t they quarantine those exposed to it? They just walked out and talked to everyone not exposed. “He hey there’s a zombie flu and you shouldn’t be around us, but were going to get near you anyways.” Yeah that makes sense…Not. They sure did shun the black guy’s girlfriend real fast though. [I can’t remember either of their names, but I know that the women played Scott McCall’s mom on Teen Wolf. I missed chunks of season two so I don’t remember the names of a lot of the newer people from the Governor’s Camp]. My heart broke when the black guy [we’ll call him Joe for now] went to take Scott’s mom flowers and he found her body dragged out and burned. Morbid. Joe had just found love and was so excited and it was taken away from him just like that. Like I said earlier, I blame the Governor. Or, plot twist, what if it’s someone totally unexpected? Well we know it would have to be someone strong enough to drag a grown woman and man quite a ways. And quickly. So it’s probably a man doing it or a strong woman. Ooo what if it was Michonne?! Though she was busy crying on a baby to do it. Unless she did it after she cried on the baby. She could have been stricken with such grief from re-living whatever horrible incident she had with a baby that she finished off two dying people, dragged them outside and burned them. I could totally see her doing that. She’s so B.A. but also mysterious.

Now about Michonne crying on a baby. I wonder if she used to have a baby of her own and it died? I don’t know. We’ll probably, eventually, maybe find out? Let’s hope because that scene was awkward and weird.

Well those are all my thoughts on this week’s episode. What are some of your thoughts and/or theories?