Tag Archives: dean

Supernatural Review: 8×23 “Sacrafice”


This episode gave my a wide variety of emotions and feels. Anger, anxiety, sadness, happiness, confusion. I don’t like feeling like this. Why do you make me feel like this Supernatural?


  • Metarton-I totally called that one. I knew he’d turn out evil. The whole “trials” thing seemed super suspicious from the get go. Castiel should have known better.
  • Castiel- Speaking of Castiel, he has been frustrating me this season. Here he goes “trying to do the right thing”. How’d that work out for him last time? It didn’t. And now he’s caused all the angels to fall and lost his own Grace. He also should have listened to Naomi. Yes she was the “bad guy”, but in the end even Dean knew that she was telling the truth. Now he’s human. Again. I hope that he remembers everything though. When Anna lost her Grace and fell she didn’t remember that she was human. I have a feeling that this is what’s going to happen to Cas. He’s going to forget. Again. He seems to be repeating himself a lot. Why can’t he learn his lesson? I guess he is more human than angel. Especially now.
  • Crowley-Going into this episode I knew that Crowley was going to be the third trial and that Sam and Dean were going to try to cure him. At first I was like “NOooo!” I like Crowley as the sassy bad guy. They can’t cure him. What would they do with him if they did cure him? We he team up with Sam and Dean to fight demons and ghosts? Or we he have his own show and have a list like on “My Name is Earl” and try to right all his wrongs? [I’d definitely watch that show. But as Sam started to making him human, I started to feel really bad for him. I wanted him to become human. He was starting to feel bad for his past transgressions. And then that tear appeared out of the corner of his eye. That’s when my tears appeared and I just wanted to hug him.


  • Sam- Poor Sam. Always gets the raw end of the deal. Everything bad that can happen always happens to him. And he never feels worthy enough. When he told Dean so, it made my heart so sad. It also made me a little ticked at Dean. What Sam was saying was a little true. Dean never gives him enough credit. He didn’t think he could handle curing Crowley by himself. But he did. Even when Abbadon showed up.
  • Dean- I don’t really have much to say about Dean this episode. I feel like he was just kind of there. It was mostly about Castiel falling, Crowley getting almost cured and Sam trying to finish the trials and not feeling worthy.
  • Sam/Dean- Of course an episode wouldn’t be complete without the angst-y brother hug scene at the end. This one was extra angst-y. This is when I felt bad for Dean. He does always put Sam first, but apparently Sam doesn’t see it that way. Why can’t they all just get along and love each other?

There were some happy moments. Like Crowley’s ringtone for Sam and Dean. And of course the two guys that fell in love from Cupid’s bow.

Over all this episode made me sad. Sad for Castiel becoming human again. Sad because now I want Crowley to become human. Sad because Sam doesn’t feel that Dean loves him. Sad because Dean loves Sam and wants him to know it.



Pac-man Fever


I really enjoyed last night’s episode of Supernatural. It was definitely worth a two week break. I literally laughed out loud at some parts and almost cried at others. There were also some “Awwww” moments or “broments”. Here is a recap of my favorite moments:

1. Sam’s Bed Head and Dean wanting to shave it off.


2. Sam not catching the beer.


3. Dean’s reaction.


4. Charlie and her montage. Also, just Charlie all together.


5. Charlie pulling a “Castiel”.


6. Charlie using the word “broment”


and of course all the hugs.

Sam and Charlie:


Charlie and Dean:

Pac-Man Fever



Sad hug:


And last, but not least,  the special/long/brotherly love/broment hug.



Today’s post brought to you by “Carry on My Wayward Son” by Kansas. Featured in the side bar.

[All pictures found on Google. None of them are mine. Sorry for not individually sourcing.]